We perform a comprehensive market research regarding the product you desire to import. Our research team performs its researches considering aspects like safety, quality, professionalism, competitive price and delivery of the goods within due time. After the research, we present you the results as soon as possible in a report. We request samples from the producers considered by your as appropriate, and delivery these to you. ,


What are we doing during the Market Research?


1. Market Related Information

It is required to assess the real sales potential of goods and services to be produced on the domestic and foreign markets. It shall be acted considering the conditions of the market, where the product shall be launched, its current size, its development potential and which percentage is obtainable. For this aim it is required to research the consumption quantity, and how much thereof can be obtained from domestic production and how much need to be outsourced. Meanwhile, investigations have to be made whether an abroad sales opportunity exists. Further the status and behaviors of functional competitors on the domestic and foreign market, where the product shall be launched , competition conditions, tactics and technics they are deploying to effect the potential claim have to be investigated and evaluated carefully.


2. Product related Information

Factors affecting the products features are consumer’s traditions, economical status; the geographical, social and political environment they live. Therefore, many products are produced in accordance with consumer’s preferences. The taste and odor of the product as well as their colors are interesting for the consumers. Product’s dimensions, design as well as the style are important for the consumer. Also it is required to research consumer’s preferences in respect of product’s size, design and style, and to form the product depending on the research results. Also the product package may be important as well as the product features. Thus the package requires attention.


3. Marketing Methods

Features of the goods, buyer’s behaviors, and function of the marketing channels are essential elements of the marketing methods. Further issues i.e. the effect of the seasons, adjustment of the sales times, capacity of current and future markets have to be researched. The issues to be researched have to be defined clearly, and the method for this research needs to be defined.